
Dog Behavior Simplified

Why do dogs behave the way they do? There are as many factors motivating dog behavior as there are dogs and situations. To complicate matters, every behavior your dog exhibits is motivated by many factors rather than just one. Understanding these motivations can be greatly simplified by grouping them into two categories — the “behavioral”… Continue reading Dog Behavior Simplified

Be Reasonable

Be Reasonable — Especially in Dog Training   The most frequent dog training question I get asked is, “How do I change this behavior?” The behavior might be pulling on the leash, jumping on people, chewing, digging, aggression, etc. This seems like a reasonable question to ask, but I believe there is a more fundamental… Continue reading Be Reasonable

Dog Trainer, not Dog Owner

Clients often ask me what kind of dog I have. Most are quite surprised to find out that I’m not a dog owner. I’ve had a few over the years, but I don’t currently have one and have no plans to get another any time soon. When asked why, I offer one of the following… Continue reading Dog Trainer, not Dog Owner

Why I Would Never Get a Puppy

A client with two small children and an eight week old English Bulldog once said to me, “Puppies are much more difficult to raise than kids. It’s like having a baby that doesn’t wear a diaper.” Most people considering getting a puppy have no idea what they are getting themselves into. I often tell clients… Continue reading Why I Would Never Get a Puppy

Aggressive Play

Many dog books and trainers assert that playing aggressively with your dog encourages your dog to be aggressive. In my opinion, the opposite is true! For dogs with aggressive tendencies, rough play can provide a healthy outlet so that aggressive behavior doesn’t come out in unacceptable ways. Let’s look at a popular breed which is… Continue reading Aggressive Play

Treating the Problem — Not the Symptom

Many dog trainers disagree with me on this, but not all dog behaviors should be addressed through training. Just like people, dogs have basic needs for food, water, shelter, physical, mental, and emotional stimulation. These basic needs must be satisfied before you can work effectively to change your dog’s behavior. If you were so hungry… Continue reading Treating the Problem — Not the Symptom

Sacramento Dog Parks

Finally a single map showing all of the dog parks in the Sacramento Metro area! I firmly believe there is no substitute for dogs being able to run full speed and chase other dogs and be chased by other dogs. But the dog park can be a very dangerous place. I urge lots of caution… Continue reading Sacramento Dog Parks

Why a Slack Leash is So Important

There is no single thing that you as a dog owner can do that will improve your relationship with your dog more than to start walking your dog with a slack leash. I get more inquiries from people that want to be able to walk their dog without it pulling all the time, than I… Continue reading Why a Slack Leash is So Important

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