

The Basics – First Session

The Basics Videos are online. The Basics are two, one-hour videos for clients to watch, followed by two one-hour Zoom calls where I answer questions. I also have new videos on jumping, nipping/chewing, and the basics of walking with the prong collar that are available for purchase here

The first session is about setting a foundation to make sure your dog takes direction from you. This piece needs to be in place before you can change any behavior your dog has. We can accomplish this without your dog being present!

It may sound strange to not have me meet your dog at the first session, but keep in mind this is dog owner training, NOT dog training. In the first group session I held every owner said that they would have gotten more out of it if they had not brought their dog! In most cases, the dogs are a distraction for the material we will cover in the initial session.

Even if you are looking for more than basic obedience training, or have already completed basic obedience, I still recommend we start with fundamentals. I developed ALL of my own techniques. I didn’t learn anything I know from a book, a video, or another trainer. So everything I show you will be things you have not seen before. Everything builds on the foundation we establish. The basics ensure that your dog takes direction from you. This piece must be in place before you can change any behavior your dog has. This also puts in place the structure that your dog needs to feel secure and be happy. Insecurity drives a LOT of bad dog behavior. The basics are important for both of these reasons. If we skip the basics and jump right into changing specific behaviors, you could do what I show you perfectly, but if your dog doesn’t take his lead from you it isn’t going to make a lick of difference. More than half of my clients get the results they are looking for out of simply watching these videos and making changes and never follow up with additional training.

The Basics Pricing:

The cost is $60 (total, not per hour) per household. The two videos you will watch are approximately one hour each followed by two, one-hour group video calls.

You can watch a preview of, and purchase ‘The Basics’ here
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